03 February 2014

Most memorable nights sleep while travelling (Travel Link Up)

Being a travel addict and ex-flight attendant means that I have been through my share of places. Some beautiful, some charming, some ugly and some just downright plain and forgettable. The memorable for me are those that have a story, good or bad, something that stands out.

Thanks to the lovely girls Emma and Kelly and Rebecca for this travel link up.

My most memorable was a night in Athens (I surprised even myself with that one). The hotel was nice and the bed was comfortable enough but that had nothing to do with why it was memorable. It was the earthquake. I slept through it. Sort of.

I was slightly woken up in the middle of the night to what, to me, sounded like a massive truck rumbling along as it sped through the street. It was so loud it felt like the walls were shaking. In my half sleep half dream stupor I didn't think more of it and drifted off back to sleep. When all that noise was followed with a loud bang and what felt like the bed shifting off the wall and slam back into it, I simply thought I was dreaming.

In the cold light of day the next morning, I began to wonder...did I really dream all that? The girl at reception told me that Athens had an earthquake that night and it was one of their bigger ones. There wasn't any major damage as they are prepared for such things but I was shocked. I SLEPT through a big earthquake!! I thanked my lucky stars that it wasn't more serious and at the same time laughed at how, for a light sleeper, I'd managed to sleep through it. Oops.

My favourite sleep was in Santorini where I was waking up to the gorgeous blue and white every morning on my own terrace. My worst sleep was in Naples during my trip through Italy. Seriously, I wanted to sleep on the floor the bed was that uncomfortable. I also really enjoyed staying Freising, Munich. The hotel was cute, comfortable and an easy walk to the village which was off the regular touristy path.

I also had a minor incident with an inconsiderate girl at a hostel when I first arrived in London who insisted on waking up the entire room while drying her hair every morning but I'll save that story for another day.

What was you most memorable sleep while travelling?


  1. You slept through an earthquake?? That's an amazing travel story! Love it :)

    I haven't been to Santorini yet, but I would love to. Your description matches exactly what I think it would be like. I think I need to make my plans official x

    1. I know, I didnt think it was possible.

      Oh definately! Santorini is GORGEOUS! Will love to hear about your impressions when you go.

  2. Wow - I always joke that I could sleep through an earthquake, but I've never actually put it to the test! I'm not surprised it was a memorable night. Great post, I really enjoyed it!

    1. I must have been exhausted.

      Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Slept through an earthquake?! I'm a light sleeper too so I wonder if I would. Santorini looks amazing! Wow!! I've been to other parts of Greece, but not there. Amazing!

    1. Where else have you been in Greece? I'd love to see more of the islands and the country.

  4. Brilliant! My dad sleeps through them now as well hehe xx

    1. Oh dear...im not sure if i should be mortified or complimented. hehe. Its probably better i was half asleep, im not sure if i would have freaked out, or not, if id been properly awake.

  5. I can't believe you slept through the earthquake :) Greece and visiting Santorini are also top of my list for this year. Sounds gorgeous.

    1. I hope you get there. You'll have a lovely time.
