01 May 2014

Mama Lan at Brixton Village

The busy 'back entrance' to Brixton Village

Brixton Village is fast becoming a popular London "cheap eats" hotspot. It doesn't take much twisting of my arm to get me to try a new foodie spot so when my friend Em suggested we head there for a dumpling dinner on Friday I could not wait.

An impressive line outside Mama Lan

We must have arrived at the perfect time (just after 7pm in case you are wondering) because, not long after we placed our order, a line started forming. I kid you not. This was no fancy-pants restaurant but yes, there was a line full of hungry onlookers staring at or delicious dumplings.

Prime seats! Watch the Mama Lan chefs in action

The lovely thing about Brixton Village is that you can sit outside without actually being outside thanks to the covered market. The outside space is also useful for the restaurants as actual indoor space can be limited. This ends up creating a a really nice vibe for dining out amongst chatter and provides ample opportunity to steal glances at your neighbours food who are at the next restaurant over.

You have to try the Prawn dumplings at Mama Lan

Em and I plonked down at a table just outside the main door to Mama Lan and were immediately provided with their simple menu. We ordered the steamed prawn and water chestnut dumplings, the pan fried beef dumpling, seaweed salad with sesame oil dressing and the spicy fried tofu and  Chinese mushroom and noodle soup. Plus drinks of course. I love eating out with Em, she is a big foodie and is always happy to share food. By the way, if you are not a fan of spicy food, like me, you can ask for it to be left out of the soup. Everything was good. The prawn dumplings though, were by far my favourite. And at the end, the bill for everything including drinks was under £15 pounds. Not too bad for London!

After paying we took a wander around the market hall to see what else was on offer. The popular eats were easy to spot with lines clogging up the avenue. There were all sorts of cuisines, Caribbean, Asian, Italian French, Mexican being cooked up in restaurants, their tantalising scents wafting out to lure in the hungry. People were everywhere digging into a plate of yummy-ness, chatting over a drink or mulling over which delectable dish they should try. 

If you haven't been to Brixton Village, give it a try, you are bound to find something that will have you salivating - just take a friend, coz, lets face it, we all want to try more than one thing on the menu ;)

Tips for visiting Brixton Village:
  • Don't confuse it with Brixton Market, they have different operating times
  • Take cash! Some restaurants operate a cash only policy
  • Most restaurants are open for dinner rather than lunch so its best to go on a Friday night
  • Best station is Brixton on the Victoria line (Brixton rail station will also work) and its only a few minutes walk from there.
  • All the info you need can be found on the Brixton Village website.

Have you been to Brixton Village? What did you think?


  1. Oh yum, your food looks divine and I love all the different kinds of dumplings. I must keep this is mind next time I go to a concert down there.
