She arrived in the evening on the 11th. It was her first time on an aircraft. I think this visit for her holds a lot of 'firsts'. First time out of Syria. First time away from her family and on her own. First experience of flying standby. First time to the cinemas - today (don't ask).
After a huge amount of gasbagging and catching up i took her to the cinema. She has never been before and it was a treat. We watched Flushed Away and i could tell she enjoyed herself. Now shes sound asleep while i catch up on some blogging. I have to say I was nervous before her arrival wondering how it would be to see her after 7 years and it is a little weird. I mean i was so eager to have her come visit so by no means am i complaining, its really good to see her again, shes always been like a sister to me. Also i feel as though by seeing her I'm also seeing all my relos in Damascus. I'm just saying i don't think we've found the same footing we were on all those years ago that makes things just flow and be easy. But I'm sure that we'll find it again soon enough.
As for my Istanbul-Edinburgh holiday posts (including photos), after a month or so, they are all up so you can check them out in the October and November archives. I just have the Manila photos left and i should be right.
Hope you're feeling better soon sweets!! That sounds scary!!! :/