02 February 2015

The Unexpected Benefits of Blogging #linkup

I started this blog way back in 2005. Wow! Huh! I didn't realise its been almost 10 years till I wrote that! Okee...scary! Haha. Um yeah, so I started this blog when dinosaurs still roamed the earth...It was pre-facebook and I was embarking on an adventure in the Middle East, working as a flight attendant and travelling the world. I wanted a way to share my photos and adventures with my family and friends and this blog was born.

I have kept it through 2 years of cabin crew life in the sandpit, then returning home to Sydney, where it almost died due to lack of travel, and then accompanied me on my move to London where it really has really grown.

I really do love blogging, and it has given me so much more than I expected when I started out all those years ago.


So here is my list of the unexpected benefits of blogging, in no particular order:

1. An online home

Through lots of changes in physical addresses, this blog has been consistent and there is something calming about having your own virtual space that has 'always been there'.

2. A way to meet new people

I have met some wonderful people through blogging, virtually and in person. It has helped a lot with my moving to the UK and creating a new network of friends. Its nice to have others who are as interested in exploring London and don't mind when you ask them to hold off eating their food in a restaurant for a minute so you can take a photo.

3. A nudge to get out there!

I find that having a blog gives me that little nudge, a little friendly poke to get out there and do something, do anything. Try a new cafe, book some theatre tickets, go on a day trip.

4. Improving my writing

I know at least one person who will laugh at this point. I'm notoriously bad with my grammar - mostly because when I write, I'm more interested in getting my thoughts and ideas on paper than worrying about sentence structure and punctuation. However, as I've grown with this blog, I've tried a few small changes here and there to, hopefully, make my writing easier to read and more enjoyable.

5. Learning about social media

Its weird and perhaps the most unexpected benefit of blogging - you end up learning a lot about social media and technology. As part of maintaining this blog, I've read about self-hosting, migrating to my own domain name, some coding (though I tend to ask the lovely Stephanie to do all the grunt work), blog designs, different blogging platforms, Twitter, Facebook, blog readers, SEO (I still don't get it) and so much more.

I'm sure there are more benefits that i haven't listed here, but these are the few that come to mind at the moment. If you are interested in seeing what other bloggers have to say about this, pop over to Emma, Kelly, Rebecca or Sara's blogs and see check out post by the other bloggers linkup - or add your own if your keen!

What have been your unexpected benefits of blogging??


  1. A nudge to do something on a wet winter weekend - there aren't going to be many hobbies where there is something enjoyable to be found but happily anything goes for blogging!

    1. So true, and its when you need the nudge the most!

  2. The new social media skills that I've learnt especially over the last 12 months are huge and I still don't know which been or being in my posts so I just use which ever one I fancy on the day. I can't believe you've had this blog for that long - how cool is that Sam! It was fabulous to see you again my little snowman killer x

    1. I really is amazin ghow much you pick up, isnt it? Lovely seeing you again too!

  3. It's amazing isn't it how much blogging can make you think outside the box and try new things!
    Lots of love,
    SilverSpoon London

  4. An online home - such a good way of putting it! I agree that it's also a great nudge to get out there and do something interesting.

    Suze | LuxuryColumnist

  5. Meeting a plethora of lovely fellow blog addicts both on an offline - especially for cheeky brunches!

    1. Agreed! Meeting you has been wonderful and sharing a brunch or two equally so.

  6. 10 years! Wow. I'm glad with all that experience you still don't get SEO either. :)

    1. LOL! To be fair, I wasnt really trying to understand SEO till the last year or so.

  7. So you started your blog with a move to the Middle East? Me too! I have just started to read back through your archives - might need a cup of tea for this! Lovely post, I completely agree about the calming influence of having something consistent in your life when everything else around you is changing.

    Polly xx
    Follow Your Sunshine

    1. Very cool! Its such a small world. I'll have to read back through your posts too to see what you thought of the Middle East.

  8. I love all these points - especially the nudge to get out there and do something. I'm going to have to go back and read all your sandpit posts now!

    1. Oh goodness, there are far too many old posts and they are terrible! LOL! Be warned!

  9. honestly signed up for every social media going I think! Just wasn't all that interested before, aside from Facebook, everyone who went to university has a Facebook. I didn't know you were a flight attendant, very cool!

    1. Do you keep on top of all of there? I can barely manage Twitter and am utterly hopeless with Facebook.

  10. Social media skills are so important and it's great to learn along the way and I totally agree that blogging makes you get out and about. Amazing that this blog has been around for that long and that you've revived it when it almost died! Good on you.

    1. Blogging sure does teach you a lot! Yeah, im glad I kept it too, thanks :)
