20 July 2009

Hello from Kata Beach, Phuket

Hearing: Waves crashing on the beachYours truely is currently walking along the beach and splasing around in the shallow waters. Ive been taking some photos and just generally enjoying the view, sun, sand and the sound of the waves.Its monsoon season and red flags are dotted right along the beach which means strong undercurrents and no swimming allowed. But everyone is ignoring that and taking a dip anyway. I actually find that a bit worring because if something should happen there are only a couple...
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15 July 2009

Chang Mai, Thailand

Hearing: Thai tv series, hum of crickets, fan whirringIm in Chang Mai, at a lovely little boutique hotel. Its brand new and has only been operating a year. At the moment im using their free internet in the lobby to download some of the photos from my camera on to a usb drive and hopefully to upload some into this post. But im getting a wee bit sleepy as it is 1am back home so i'll see how it goes.My trip so far has been brilliant. Me and T - who is an old flying friend of mine decided to do a trip to Bangkok almost 3 years ago. This is that plan,...
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On the way to the airport

OMG! I just drove past my old crew hotel! My gosh it feels weird. Im in a taxi on my way to Suvarnabhumi Airport. Chiang Mai is next on the itinerary and i´ll be there for a few days before heading to Phuket. Yes ladies and gentleman i am being a thorough tourist and going to arguably the most touristy beach in Thailand but how can i not?Anyway i know i havent posted up what i have been up to in Bangkok or any photos but ive been flat out and lacking time to sit at an internet cafe so please bear...
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14 July 2009

15Baht in Thailand

What does 15 Baht get you in Thailand? How does a 2hr trip to Ayutthaya by train sound? Unbeleivable? Well beleive it. Yeah its not a fancy air conditioned train but who cares? In fact i specifically chose to sit in a carriage that has wooden floors and seat benches cuz its just something you dont get everyday. And i love it :DI´ll be taking photos as i go along and post them up when i get the chance. Ayutthaya here i come...
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13 July 2009

Lunch at Cabbages and Condoms

Hearing: light rain, people chatting, soft clink of cutlery n piano music. Welcome to day two of my 2 weeks leave. At the moment im in a restaurant called Cabbages and Condoms having lunch and no im not joking. They have free Wi-Fi here so im typing this up on my mobile in between mouthfuls of delicious Thai food. I'll post again soon with what i've been up to so far and include some photos. From a defrosted ...
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