Im in Chang Mai, at a lovely little boutique hotel. Its brand new and has only been operating a year. At the moment im using their free internet in the lobby to download some of the photos from my camera on to a usb drive and hopefully to upload some into this post. But im getting a wee bit sleepy as it is 1am back home so i'll see how it goes.
My trip so far has been brilliant. Me and T - who is an old flying friend of mine decided to do a trip to Bangkok almost 3 years ago. This is that plan, chopped, changed, haphazardly thrown together and finally in motion. First stop was Bangkok, now Chang Mai, and next Phuket. Penang was supposed to be after that but it was axed on account of dreading the thought of having to pack up and fly another time to what essentially will just be another beach location.
So i'll be here for a couple more days and then on to sun, sand and lots of doing nothing... heehee :)
Anyway, today T and i took a walk for what was supposed to be a food run and turned into us walking to the Chang Mai Night Bazzar. Nothing out of the usual tourist market found in Bangkok, but we bought a few things and then looked for a place to have dinner. Only it was seriously disappointing to find that most places were very tourist oriented. 2 Starbucks within a block of each other, a Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Burger King and Subway...i mean i can understand it in Bangkok but not Chang Mai...and also lots of "foreign restaurants" like German beer houses...we ended up going back to a local place we saw as we were walking and had the most divine Tom Yum Soup which had pieces of crab, whole prawns, fish and mussels in it and we also had Salt and Pepper Squid. And it cost less than 300baht (approx 12 Australian dollars)...
I know ive been saying this endlessly the past couple of posts but i will get to updating about the Bangkok part of my trip. There is just so much that i want to do it justice and have the photos ready to ease the blocks of writing. And also i didnt really have much time in Bangkok to do anything aas i was constantly on the go.

Well it looks like ive run out of steam...till next time, g'night!
I got into your blog when researching for what people thinking about Thailand. This is the good traveling blog that make my last decision to travel in Chiang Mai and The North of Thailand.... Thank you for useful post.