23 March 2015

Missing Valencia already!

Im back at work and the week in Valencia already seems like a dream. A whole other life lived in a week. I enjoyed Valencia far more than I expected. Sure the Las Fallas festival had a lot to do with it but there is more to the city than that. After the Fallas were all burned and gone without a trace, the weather turned and still, still the city held something charming about it.

There is so much I want to share with you about my adventures there. The Fallas of course, but also exploring the markets, trying the food, visiting the beach, getting lost in the old Carmen district, seeing people dance on the street and all the kindnesses I was shown by locals. So stay tuned, more posts are coming over the next few days and weeks!

Music and dancing in the streets by the Falleras and their neighbourhood bands. I actually have a video of it somewhere...

There was so much street food on offer. Huge tents were found all over the old town, with all sorts of food from tapas to churros and drinks. The smell from some stalls wafted over everyone making them drool.
So many Falleras in full traditional costume. All ages from babies to grandmothers were included. Just look at the color and detail!

Mmmm Paella...oh yummy. Did you know it originated from here??
Spectaculat street lights - makes Oxford Street during Christmas amatureish doesnt it?

Dont worry, i'll be back with more soon!


  1. Love this! Do you feel refreshed?

    1. Very refreshed. Felt like a proper long holiday instead of a manic weekend 'escape'.
