01 March 2014

Pinch Me Moments - Travel Linkup

I have been quite privileged to travel as much as I have and to continue to experience moments that take my breath away. 

The beginning of my travels started in a conference room in a hotel somewhere near Sydney Airport where I was told I had just been picked to join an airline in the sand pit. I was so shocked that I hugged the a girl who i'd only met 5 hours earlier just because I needed an outlet for my emotions.

That job led me to several travel a pinch me moments including my first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower in Paris which seemed to cure me of how sick I had been that day. It also led to my first layover in London which was 2 full days of pinch me moments not to mention the truly amazing moment where I was able to pet a lion cub in Johannesburg.

More recently...One day I received a visa in my passport granting me 2 years to live and work in London. Up until the moment I saw that visa I didn't think it would happen. I was stunned, speechless, my eyes hardly able to believe it - it was the quiet before the storm - soon I was running around the house, bouncing off the walls with a smile so big my face hurt. A life in London, the whole reality of it exploded inside me but I still needed someone to pinch me because it was a dream come true.

Living in London still takes my breath away, from glimpsing the dome of St Pauls Cathedral to spotting old London in the every day like the traditional gas lamps. And two years there allowed for some great adventures and pinch me moments.

Outside of London my trip to Japan in April 2012 was full of amazing moments. There were the bright lights of Shinjuku, the cherry blossoms in bloom, real life Maiko and Geisha in Gion, Kyoto (let me tell you they are rare and when one exited private ochaya (teahouse) right in front of me I was like a deer in headlights) and the A-Dome in Hiroshima.

Also, there was seeing the Coliseum in Rome bloom out of nowhere as the bus from the airport took me to the centre of town. Cruising down the Grand Canal in Venice at night. Seeing the mesmerising Northern Lights in Iceland, though admittedly if someone had pinched me then I wouldn't have felt it i was so numb with cold, hehe. Arriving in the heart of New York City and pretty much my whole time there was unbelievable I just could not get past how surreal the whole thing felt.

Looking back on all my travels and experiences, it strikes me that I have been living an amazing dream. Being able to travel and see the world was a big dream for me and up until I was 23, I never thought it would be possible. Its truly amazing where life takes you.

As always thanks to the lovely girls Emma and Kelly and Rebecca for this travel link up. Anyone is welcome to join in the linkup, visit the hosts pages for more details.


  1. Amazing pinch me moments! I bet the Northern Lights were incredible :)

    1. Thank you. I hope you get to see them too on your trip.

  2. London is full of pinch me moments! Great post.

  3. Such great pinch me moments! I love that you shared so many because I only shared one and now I have loved seeing all the varieties!

    1. I thought about sharing one but it was so hard to choose!

  4. Amazing moments! it's amazing how much you can actually achieve and do if you want to :-)

  5. Love all your pinch me moments! I have so many living here in London as well - the history is amazing :)

    1. Thanks Jessi. I totally agree, the history is amazing.

  6. Wow, you have had some amazing 'pinch me' moments. LOVE the cub in Johannesburg. Travelling brings about so many wonderful moments x

    1. Thanks. Yes the cub was a real highlight for me, a really unforgettable moment.

  7. I love that you have so many "pinch me" moments. That is a life well-lived!! {I want to cuddle a lion cub, too!!}

    1. Thank you, i have been lucky. I confess i had to fight the urge to nick one of the cubs, so adorable!

  8. Oh, such wonderful travel moments - I'm especially envious that you have patted a lion cub, it's a childhood dream of mine!

    1. Thanks Emma. Hope you get the chance too!
