12 June 2014

Why I have disappeared a little...

So you may have noticed that I have missed a few regular postings and I have not been as good with visiting and commenting on my favourite blogs as I used to. I deliberated as to whether I should say anything here and, in the end, I feel its only fair to all my lovely readers to provide a little update as to whats going on with me. So here it goes...

I was abducted by aliens. No...I was on a train that was stuck at a red signal. No...I was sucked into the shopping vortex also known as Primark on Oxford Street. Erm. Nope. I was undercover on a top secret mission and couldnt risk my true identity. Uh...Would you believe I was doing the hokey-cokey in a church with a bunch of other people being led by a cross dressing Victorian music hall singer? No? Neither would I. But the last one was true at least.

Truth is I have been struggling with work since my return. I really cannot go into any details but it has been extremely difficult and has affected me more than I expected and, in turn, affected my writing. Unfortunately I am trying everything I possibly can but the cause of the problem is something beyond my control. Cue the stress reduction kit...

I am truly blessed with a very supportive family and network of friends here but, there is only so much they can understand without having been in my position. And lets face it, it can be a bit of a downer in a conversation, especially since this has been going on for a at least 6 months now with no end in sight. No one wants that kind of buzz kill and I certainly dont want to be that kind of person.

So, being a little low in spirits has been the main culprit behind my missed posts but I hope to remedy that soon. Bear with me if it does come across in my writing though.

Also, while I'm here, tell me, what do  you do when you're feeling down? How do you get back to your happy self and not want to throttle innocent bystanders?


  1. I read my expat pinterest board, arrange for lunch with good company, listen to cheesy 90's music or bulk buy Cherry Ripe chocolate bars. Some or all of these things may be true...

    1. Cheesy 90's music? hehe. Share the link to your board? Thank you for the tips.

  2. Oh dear. Being an expat is hard enough, especially in London, but it is even harder when things go wrong. I hope you're able to sort out your situation soon. (And definitely before you bang your head against a wall). When times are tough I exercise and give myself a break from any non-essential obligations. So in a sense, I do exactly what you've done - less blogging and commenting - but I give myself permission to do it and do my best not to feel guilty on top of everything else. I also focus on what I can do and ensure I don't get paralysed by what is beyond my control.

    1. Thanks Mandy. Good point about the guilt, while ive taken a bit of a break, I havent been able to not feel guilty about it! The excercise tip is a new one, will give it a go.

  3. yes, give way on the non-essentials and put YOU first. Do things that you are good at , to remind you that you are good at things in life. And the exercise is a good suggestions too.

    1. Thanks Alissa. With everything going on, it is easy to forget that i'm actually good at some things! A great suggestion!

  4. Sorry to hear you have been feeling down. Are you feeling better now? For some reason your blog posts haven't been showing up in my feed so I have been missing them! Hang in there. London is tough! x

    1. All the advice here so far has helped a lot :) Things are still trudging along but, thankfully, there is an end in sight!
