30 December 2006

Seeing double.

Hearing: Traffic.

Happy Eid everyone!!

So I'm just here, in bed, tossing up between watching a movie before going to bed or getting an 'early' (its 10.20pm) night since i have a flight tomorrow. I will be going to Khartoum, which unfortunately is a turnaround meaning its going to be a very long day and i wont land till 11.30pm and then wont get home till well after midnight *sigh*. And do you want to know what i have on the 1st? Khartoum again!! Everyone who i tell this laughs and says exactly the same thing "who did you piss off at crew control??" and the truth is no one! I haven't called in sick, haven't hassled them for swaps or anything! Dem's the breaks i guess and i just gotta deal with it.

So everyone, party up for me too for New Years tomorrow - may 2007 bring you health,
success, happiness, and love - Have a brilliant New Year!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:09 pm

    ll your dreams come trueHey girl!! Thanks for your SMS. I tried to text you back but kept getting 'msg failed' :( Not sure if it's cause I can't send to Intl numbers?

    Anyway, hope your Khartoum turns were hassle-free and all the best for 2007! May all your dreams come true!! xo
