Hearing: Washing machine and mum pottering around.
Well I'm sitting in the kitchen watching my mum cook one of my fav arabic dishes and i figure why not update while i have the time? So where do i start...
Okay, so my brother came to visit me last month arriving the 16th on the same flight i was crewing back from Sydney. It was so cool having him on board and spoiling him with food and stuff from first and business class - unfortunately as we were full i couldn't upgrade him but i still managed to get him 2 seats next to each other in economy to he could stretch out a bit.
So for about 2 weeks we ran around going out, eating exploring and having fun. I was really happy he finally got to see where I've been living and what I've been doing for the past 2 years. Sharing that made it seem a little more real. We had loads of fun! So here are a few stories of what we got up to.
My flatmate E- was happy to find that my brother was more eager than i at wanting to go out so she was our honorary guide. In one night we went to 7 different palaces! No, I'm not kidding. 3 bars, one pub and 2 clubs including the airline hangout which i had never been to and never wish to got to again with good reason. But we had a really good time, my brother really enjoyed himself and got to meet some of the crew i knew.
We hired out a car at one stage and it came in handy when we had to drive out for bout an hour to this remote resort so my brother could go jet skiing. He left the keys with me and in my eagerness to take photos i lost them..... i was so annoyed with myself i can tell you. Luckily when i retraced my steps i found them half buried in the sand. Really, really lucky, they could have been completely buried and it was getting dark and we would have been stuck at the resort.
When my mum arrived about a week after my brother i sent both on a desert safari which they accused me of tricking them in as i didn't warn them about the dune bashing (really what did they expect?) but they loved it. The sheer emptiness of the desert, the sunset, the sand surfing. Then they both decided to go to Amman to visit some relatives there while i was off on a JFK. It was last minute but i managed to get them both cheap tickets and book a hotel and that was that. My brother hadn't seen our relo's in over 7 years so he came back grinning even more so than when he left.
Anyways we did so much and though i was really tired, had loads of fun. I think I'm one of the lucky sisters who has such an awesome brother and it was great just hanging out with him. So check out the few pics i can post without giving away where i am cuz I'm off to grab some yummy food before it gets cold.
Awesome pics! Looks like you guys had a great time, I bet you were thrilled!!! =)