Hearing: People chatting in the street and faint traffic
Today i went on a tour that took me to a couple of places i was interested in seeing just outside London. It had a lot packed in to the one day and as such we didn't get a huge amount of time in the places we visited, but i still think it was well worth it.
The tour guide i must say was very good. He was knowledgeable and well spoken and had a dry sense of humour which reminded me of my friend A a lot. There are a couple of stories and jokes that i jotted down which i will retell here along with some of my photos from the day. There are 5 in total (though the guide told us more) but you'll need to scroll past the photos to see them all.
Story 1 - As we were driving out of London, the guide pointed out a small green square near Marble Arch, not really uncommon for London. This square however had a morbid history. Public hangings used to take place there (last of which was in 1783) much to the amusement and excitement of the Londoners of the time who would take a day off work specially so they could attend. The hangings became such a popular event that tired seating was introduced so that everyone could get a good view.
Oxford |
Oxford |
Christ Church College |
Christ Church College - Tom Quad |
Christ Church College - the cloister fountain |
Christ Church College - stairs to the Dining Hall (Look familiar? it was used for a scene in the 1st and 2nd Harry Potter movies) |
Christ Church College - Dining Hall - used in the 1st and 2nd Harry Potter movies |
Christ Church College - Dining Hall |
Oxford - Radcliffe Camera (used as one of the many University of Oxford libraries) |
Oxford - A copy of Venice's Bridge of Sighs |
Oxford |
Oxford - Sheldonian Theatre |
Oxford - Bodleian Library |
Story 2 (joke) - Driving past Buckingham Palace Gardens we were told how the gardens were only "open to the public" on certain days. During the year special garden parties are arranged for some 3000 guests who have done work for charity or made such contributions where guests mingle, and possibly have the chance to speak with or see the Queen. They usually finish around 5.30 at which point they all leave at once and clog up the roads "for important people...like us"
Stratford-Upon-Avon - Shakespeare's Birthplace |
Stratford -Upon- Avon - Inside Shakespear's Birthplace - Dining room |
Stratford -Upon- Avon - Shakespear's Birthplace from the inside looking out on to the courtyard |
Stratford -Upon- Avon - Shakespear's Birthplace |
Stratford -Upon- Avon |
Stratford -Upon- Avon |
Stratford -Upon- Avon - Shakespear's Birthplace (Street view) |
Story 3 (joke) - Also on the way some low income housing was brought to our attention. As the guide went through what was required by a person to qualify for lo income housing by the government he dryly added that one of those requirements is that you can afford a satellite...and indeed it did look like every house had a satellite sticking out on the side.
Warwick Castle - Main Entrance |
Warwick Castle - So many grand rooms, so little time! |
Warwick Castle -Madame Tussaud's works her magic on the Queen |
Warwick Castle -More of Madame Tussaud's work |
Warwick Castle -More of Madame Tussaud's work |
Warwick Castle - View from the mound |
Story 4 - In describing the underground, the guide said that when it first began people would say that it was like going to hell. That was in the pre-electric days where the trains ran on steam. (I never thought about that aspect before but i can imagine how horrible it must have been!)
Story 5 - Continuing on from his underground story the guide spoke of how the Queen was please with the "new"train line to Windsor Castle as it allowed her to get there without being covered in dust. Other people however were afraid of the train. Doctors would advise pregnant women not to go on them. Religious people said it was unnatural for humans to travel at such high speeds - that it was an insult to the Lord.
Hope you enjoyed the stories and photos, till next time...
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