27 June 2014

Enter the world of Temple Studios

Photo by Pari via NT

There is darkness...

A nervous excitement...

The labyrinth of the studios swallows my friends...

I am alone.

Or am I?

Around me are white faces. Masks. Silent people drifting. Peering. Following...

Through a door, up some steps and I'm in the middle of a hypnotic dance sequence.

A girl commits murder deep in the woods, shrouded in fog.

There is a fountain in a square. Square dancing in a saloon. And sand everywhere.

Jelousy, betrayal, decadance, lust and slowly losing your mind.

You cannot begin to fathom what you'll experience...





Punchdrunk's The Drowned Man is an immersive theatre experience. It takes place in the studios of Temple Pictures and you are as close to being a fly on a wall or entering the world of films as possible. It is unforgettably thrilling and will awaken something inside you that will crave for more. If I started writing about my own experience last night this post would be unbelievably long, and, even then I'll have barely scratched the surface. The final show is on the 6th of July and booking out fast. GO. You will not regret it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Vanessa :) I havent succumbed to Instagram yet - soon. Maybe.
