26 September 2014

Friday Favs #2

I cant believe another week has flown by!

How has your week been? Mine has been work, and enjoying my lunch breaks. Now that i have finally found a new home, my lunch breaks are not filled with looking at rental properties and dealing with pesky real estate agents. I have enjoyed being able to sit back and relax reading my book, or some blogs, and other wonderful tidbits of freedom from my desk.

I finished reading Neverwhere. Total disaster. I wish I had another book like it to read. I really want to write a post about it, but for now, to compensate myself for my loss, im on the hunt for the the TV series. And since im already on books...

A couple of weeks ago I stubled across The Guernsey Literary and Popato Peel Pie Society in a charity shop, and, as it had been highly recommended by the lovely Emma from Adventures of a London Kiwi, I picked it up. Im about a third of the way through at the moment. I have taken an instant liking to the main character, and a character she most certainly is. I'll reserve the rest of my opinion though till ive finished reading it.

I saw this video on travel and it rang so, so true, and was so simple and inspiring I just had to share. I hope you like it.

Blog Post
I always enjoy reading Emma's (Adventures of a London Kiwi) blog and one paticular post caught my eye this week. Its a short post about her favourite book - her passport. I cant say I disagree.

Catch ups
Its always lovley to me, to have the chance to catch up with fellow bloggers. After the business of summer, I finally had the chance to catch up over a coffee with the ladies behind Adventures of a London Kiwi and Happy Ever After Bride. We found a quiet cafe and chatted away. It was a really nice way to spend an evening.

I would love to visit Russia - this photo just makes it look so surreal, like something out of a fairy tale.

What little moment of escape did you enjoy this week?


  1. Thank you for the shout out love, lovely - it was great catching up with you! (Except may be when that table attacked me hehehe I'm still bruised...)

    1. Pleasure. Silly table, dont know what got into it! Hope your bruises arent too painful!
