04 October 2014

Saying hi to Brussels

Arriving in Brussels barely a few hours ago, I couldn't resist a quick nip out to Grote Market after checking in, just to say hi to the city. So far this is what Ive seen.

  • The Grote Market square was filled with groups of friends sitting in circles, enjoying a drink and a chat.
  • Up one side of the square all the Greek restaurants were doing a roaring trade with lots of people sitting outside, having a bite,  a puff on an argeela or talking.
  • One guy flew past me with a police officer racing after him, and two more police racing after them!
  • Another guy in a fancy suit looked like he was in a brawl was being hauled off under arrest by two police officers near the theatre.
Talk about excitement!

I'm off to bed so I can get ready for tomorrow and what surely will become a day of eating my way through Brussels ;)

Good night & have a great weekend.


  1. Have a fabulous time!

  2. Can't wait to see more! x

  3. Oh Brussels... you simply never know what you are going to get. Can't wait to hear more about your trip! xx

  4. Hope you had the best time!! x

  5. Oooh, definitely can't wait to read more!
