23 December 2014

Seasons Greetings

Only two more days till Christmas and just over a week till the New Year. As you have no doubt noticed, I have fallen off the blogging bandwagon. What happened was just life really. Pesky thing keeps getting in the way of my blogging!

Moving into my new home went well although the lack of furniture left me living out of boxes for a couple of weeks. Then came the food poisoning – can I just say, if you even want to be put off a food type, get food poisoning from it, after knocking me out for about a week, I went off fish – shame it wasn’t chocolate or glazed Krispy Kremes which keep popping up in my office. Around the same time, I had work deadlines which mean late nights at work and not a lot of time for much else. And then a head cold reared its ugly…head, just to round things off nicely.
But it hasn’t been all bad though! I mean come on, how can it be? I had a wonderful trip to Lisbon and tried the best Pasteis de Natas, caught up with my lovely Aussie mate A- (who lived in London before I did!), went to my first ever Panto and other theatre trips, as well as helping plan my work Christmas Pub Crawl/Scavenger hunt which was loads of fun – there gaudy plastic green sun glasses, 'bah-humbug' Santa hats, and sparkly reindeer headbands, really what more could you ask for? The pub crawl may have involved a punchy Shaun the sheep getting a taken down. There were witnesses. And photos. And how can I forget the recent treasure hunt around Covent Garden where I saw a snowman lick a bin, get advice on how to be a proper snowman (in case you're wondering, the advice given was that he should not have arms and fly) and have a scuffle with a penguin? You know you want to hear that story ;)
So, over the nice chunk of public holidays and weekends coming up, I'll be pulling myself up by my boot straps and preparing a whole host of blog posts for your reading pleasure in the New Year. What are you up to over Christmas and New Year?

Till then, whether you are away or at home, have a wonderful Christmas and New Year,


  1. Have a lovely Crimbo Missy!

    1. Thanks Emma! Hope your are having a great time at home!

  2. Merry Christmas Sam! Nice to see you back blogging again. Hope you're feeling better after your bout of food poisoning, I had it from prawns but alas I still love the little buggers. xx

    1. Merry Christmas Kelly! Thanks, its good to get back into it. Im fine, quite normal till you ask me to eat fish - then I turn green. hehe. Gosh! You poor thing, would hate for that to happen with prawns!

  3. Welcome back to the blogging world Sam! I know about life getting in the way, that's for sure. I hope you're all settled and I hope your aversion to fish isn't permanent. I hope to see you in 2015 - happy new year!

    1. Thanks Mandy! I hope your studies are going well too. I hope so, we must have that coffee soon - Happy New Year!

    2. Hello Sam!
      I'm sorry you were sick ... But it looks like you've come out on top! I love a happy ending! And you have a new flat?! yay!
      I hope you have a blessed and an amazing New Year!
      Much love,
