03 April 2015

Guilty Pleasures #Travel Linkup

Guilty pleasures.

For me its those things that you know you shouldn’t be doing but cant help doing it anyway. Its your own inner voice going "Sam, you know you shouldn’t be doing that…" while your heart goes "I don’t care…stupid inner voice *grumble* *grumble*" We've all been there, we've all had that moment, and we've all gone with our hearts, the guilt of knowing we shouldn’t, only making that act of indulgence all the more deliciously enjoyable.

Here are my guilty pleasures, both travel and non-travel related, in no particular order. See how many you share with me :)

Sleeping In

…on weekends when I really should be out there making the most of it.
Because its a bright Sunny day in London
Because its only a two day weekend
Because I'm in London. Period.
(coffee in bed with a good book falls into this category too. As does spending hours reading in general.)

…when I know the exchange rate and how I'd be smarter to save it.
I almost died hitting the 'pay' button for hotel accommodation in Valencia. In the general scheme of things, it wasn’t really unreasonable, but when I found out how much it would be in Aussie dollars…! I almost got my flatmate to click the button for me it was that hard. But I loved, loved, loved my trip and it was SO worth it! The experience of that is something money just cant buy…yes, I've just moved into the 'Justification' phase of guilty pleasures.

And while actually travelling, sleeping in, wandering aimlessly, not making the most of where I am
...because I know how much it costs and chances are, with it being a big world, I might not be back.
Ive been away on travels and felt guilty pleasure in just lounging in the suuuuper comfy hotel bed when I should be out exploring. Also I've swapped lining up for 'major sights' for wandering around, getting lost and getting a feel of the place, but sometimes I do love doing that more you know?

Vampire Diaries
(TV series)

…When I know I should be watching something "better"
Ian Somerhalder. First time I saw him was in another guilty pleasure TV show called Young Americans. I was hooked. Hot. Just Hot. Plain and simple. And he is possibly the only reason I watch the show. Don’t know who he is? Go Google him. Now. I'll wait……………………………Done it? Good. You're welcome ;)

…like you need me to explain why…!
Ferrero Rocher, After 8 dinner mints and Muji chocolate especially, coz they are expensive to boot!

Buying books.
...when libraries are free and e-books are cheaper and don't kill any trees.
Unless its a really great book, I'll only be reading it once so buying a book that will just sit on my shelf after I've devoured it in a few days seems a bit of a waste of money. But I get such pleasure from walking into a bookshop, shelves lined with adventures, romance, mystery and magic, and adopting one, or two, or five into my home :) Luckily on my birthday last year, my friends just gave me book vouchers, I couldn't have been happier! When I'm feeling poor, or way too guilty, I'll buy books from charity shops. I cant help it, I will always be a book lover.

What are your guilty pleasures?

Join the travel link up with Emma, Kelly, Rebecca or guest host Polly and share your story or find more to read!


  1. Love this! I think TV is my #1 guilty pleasure. There are SO many ridiculous shows I watch, but I can't stop (and won't stop :))

  2. Yes to Vampire Diaries, sleeping in and eating too much chocolate!

    1. Ooh! Who do you watch Vampire Diaries for??

  3. YES! I could have written this post (maybe not so eloquently!). Agree with it all - books, chocolate, sleep...I think you would be an awesome travel companion.

    Polly xx
    Follow Your Sunshine

    1. If you could have written this post then we'd make an awesome travel team. Thanks Polly!

  4. I totally second you on the book front, chocolate, nice hotels... wait, everything!

    1. I owe a lot of my book binges to you my dear!

  5. Yes to sleeping in and also to doing nothing! Lying on a beach with nothing to do is a perfectly acceptable way to spend a day, yet lying on the sofa at home all day just isn't the same!

    1. I know! Its such a shame though especially when a beach isnt readily available ;)

  6. I laughed about the valencia accommodation as Lisa had exactly the same problem as well....nothing worse than seeing the value and thinking that's a lot of shoes that could be bought for a place to rest your head for a few nights xx

    1. I could have bought around 60 books or a brand new luxurious mattress or tonnes of chocolate with that...But still, worth it :)

  7. TV and sleep every single time. Sometimes I think I'm reverting to being a teenager (including the spots)

    1. Ah! So THATS why i'm getting spots! hehe. I hear ya there Kara.

  8. Sleep was mine too! Guilty to miss things but better for relaxing for longer!

    1. So true. R&R is a must! Now we just need to get rid of the guilt bit.
