Hey guys!
Its 6.35pm in London and the city is buzzing. People are everywhere loaded with shopping bags full of Christmas pressies or out hurrying to see a play at one of the theatres. There is a huge Christmas tree in Trafalgar square just behind Neslons column, flanked by a fountain on each side and lots of tourists infront taking photos. Im just sitting down enjoying a sandwich and taking it all in.
Since im on the 'long' layover of 2 days, i made sure i went out and took in more sites of London. I made a trip into Waterstones in Piccadilly which is a bookstore and one of the largest holding upto 1.5 million books - no im not kidding - it has 5 floors, a conference room, restaurant/cafe a main staircase and 2 elevators!! Naturally i had to drag myself away but not before buying 2 books and spending a good amount of time there.
I also checked out the Convent Gardens Markets which were fun, full of handicrafts and street performers, nearby there was an antiques market too.
Next up was St. Pauls Cathedral. At first i wasnt going to go in but boy am i glad i changed my mind!!! It is truely worth a visit. Stunning frescos adorn the dome on the inside and the climb to the top (they arnt kidding bout those stairs) offers breathtaking 360-degree views. Altogether it just blew me away. As a bonus, there was a childrens choir practicing and i sat down a little bit to listen, they sounded wonderful. A little tip, if you do want to take a peek inside the cathedral but dont want to climb to the top then go after 'closing time' when its open for service, you can go in and see the inside though it would probably be rude if you walked around or didnt stay. But i reccomment the climb. :)
The front of St. Pauls decorated for Christmas and some side views.

Some views from the top... ;)

And now, after milling around between Piccidlly Circus and Leicester Square, im going to watch Harry Potter 4 since i dont know when i'll get the chance to again. And for those of you groaning over my lack of culture and wondering why i dont go to the theatre instead a simple, albiet silly, explaination exists; i havent looked into which plays would interest me and im not going to go and watch any old one just for the sake of it.
P.S I havent forgotten bout the photos from my last trip, and i will be doing some serious updating to catch up.
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