31 March 2014

#LondonExpatLife Weekly Twitter Chat

*UPDATE (29th July 2014) - This chat will now be taking place at 9pm LONDON Time on the first Wednesday of each month.

Today I have something exciting for you. I have joined with three lovely London based expats to bring you a weekly #LondonExpatLife Twitter Chat!

This chat is for current London Expats, anyone who is dreaming about moving to London or is already in the process of taking the leap. So, if you want to know what its like to live in London, have questions about the process of moving there or even where to find that perfect cup of coffee, then this is the chat for you. Join in, share information and experiences and meet a bunch of other London expats or wannabe London expats and, who knows, you might just make some good friends in the process!

I will be posting reminders in the lead up to this chat so follow me on Twitter (@TravelsByVP) to make sure you don't miss out.

How it works:
  1. The first chat will take place on Wednesday 16th April at 9pm GMT.
  2. Beginning at 9pm (GMT) my co-hosts and I will tweet 5 questions at 10 minute intervals
  3. Each week (starting 9th April) I will announce a topic on my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/GlobetrotterPostcards) and you can submit a question on that topic for the following weeks chat
  4. When you answer you will need to use the #LondonExpatLife hashtag in your tweet
  5. If you would like to co-host, simply tweet the questions during the weeks chat
  6. If you have a particular topic you'd like to focus on, shoot me an email on GlobetrotterPostcards@gmail.com

Meet my lovely co-hosts (be sure to add them -and me- on Twitter!)

Sammy (@SammyDornDLT)
London expat via Brisbane. Has been living in London since July 2013.
Loves: The street food, the travel opportunities and the history.
Loathes: Peak hour tube rides and the rain.

Emma (@LondonKiwiEmma)
Longhaul, accidental London expat via New Zealand.
Loves: Exploring, perma-tourism (finding tourist-like delight in a permanent home), history and the secrets behind old doors.
Loathes: Icy pavements, sitting still, bad service, queue-jumping and awkward social greetings. 

HappyEverAfterBride (@Happy_E_After)
Trailing spouse in London (since Feb 2014), have lived over a decade in both Australia and Malaysia.
Loves: The multiculturalism and the better opportunities there is in London for work and life experiences
Loathes: Having to be indoors quite so much and not having easy access to the beach and picnics. 

Me (@TravelsByVP)
London expat via Sydney and Middle East. Ive been in London since January 2012.
Loves: That there is always something to do in London, travel is on your doorstep and its a melting pot of people and cultures.
Loathes: Having to trek for good coffee. And the weather - don't even get me started.


  1. This is a great idea and I can't wait for our first chat! Thanks for getting me involved :)

    1. Thanks, me too! Pleased to have you co-host :)
