12 January 2015

Airport reflections

Airports always make me reflective. When I'm not travelling, that is. I was seeing a friend of mine off over the weekend, and after they left, so many thoughts flooded into my mind.

Why can't I travel more often? Am I in the right job? What can I do to get me travelling more often? I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes they could travel more, right?

I wander to the departure boards filled with destinations. I'd love to be able to simply pick a destination and hop on a plane that goes there. Who wouldn't? The people milling around me will be touching down in all of these places in mere hours.

And what are these people's stories? Where are they going? Why are they going? Do they look at these boards wishing they were going somewhere else? Are they really excited about the holiday they are going on? Or do they want to stay where they are and not have to travel at all?

I see people say goodbye before going through the gates. Some cry, their face splotchy and red, others cling to each other in an unending hug, hoping to suspend time. Some are excitedly talking to each other, they can't wait to go, they're talking snacks and logistics and can't wait to be on their trip already. Their pace is faster, the excitement shining on their faces.

So many departures, so many reasons, so many emotions. Ive been there. Some are better than others. But this year, this year is off to a good start. Ive already been given the OK at work for my Las Fallas trip! Woot! I should probably get booking now before prices sky rocket!

How do airports make you feel?


  1. Yep I totally hear ya - I find watching the planes take off whilst you're stood on the ground to be the hardest moment :(

    1. Yup. Its the moment I turn green with envy ;) Will we ever tire of travel???

  2. Anonymous8:50 am

    I'm the same. I've always dreamed about turning up at an airport and booking a ticket for the next flight or even better somewhere I've never heard of before.
    Airports for me are always exciting, even if it is just to pick someone up (dropping them off comes with a lot of jealousy though) I love looking at the boards and planning on where I should go next time as well.

    1. Wouldnt it be wonderful to do that?! Glad im not the only one! I get the whole jealousy thing too.
