08 January 2015

Christmas Afternoon Tea at the Conrad Hotel St James - #LDNBloggersTea

There is photographic evidence floating about the interwebs of a savage, brutal decapitation of a poor harmless snowman. The perpetrator? Yours truly. I didn't want to do it, they made me. "They" who had already chopped their snowmen to bits and devoured them, red gummy scarf and all. The snowmen didn't stand a chance. The scene of the crime was littered with bits of meringue and tiny chocolate chip eyes. Or mouths. Or buttons. But oh were they delicious!

I was a last minute addition to the September #LDNBloggersTea last year (talk about an overdue blog post!) thanks to Emma mentioning it over a coffee. On entering the Conrad Hotel, I was greeted by a smiling hostess and shown to the room reserved for all the bloggers. Id never met a single one of them before, though I've read their posts, commented and tweeted them. It was one of those times when I tried my best to put myself out there and not shy away. It was worth it. I met so many lovely bloggers and had a lovely time. I'll admit, having a luxurious room to while away the afternoon in while scoffing sampling the afternoon tea and being serenaded by a harpist helped too.

The Conrad Hotel was showing off their Christmas afternoon tea for the upcoming season (hence all the snowmen). It was a creative Christmassy twist on the usual favourites and a few surprises. Can I just say that I'm a huge scone lover (clotted cream first, then jam) and they had an amazing blackberry curd which I wanted to lick right from the bowl. Their entire afternoon tea was brilliant, great flavours and attention to detail. Some of the savouries on offer I wasn't sure about, like the brussel sprout shot but, believe it or not, it was actually quite delicious and a lot of other bloggers thought so too!

The pièce de résistance, however, was the white Christmas scene at the end. I'd never seen anything like it. EVERYTHING was edible. And gluten free - not one for nut allergy sufferers. The Christmas tree, the macrons, popping candy, battenburg. And of course, the snowmen. Totally adorable and too cute to eat. But I did. Under protest.

Unfortunately the Christmas afternoon tea is no longer available but I'm sure their regular afternoon tea will be just as well thought out. Or maybe they'll do something special for Valentines day or Easter? Worth keeping an eye on them I think.

All in all, not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon in London wouldn't you say?

Have you had a themed afternoon tea?

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